Robb Walker: One Dark Sky

OneDarkSky is proud to participate in ALCon2012 by providing public outreach services. The evening of July 4, the Marriott Lincolnshire will host fireworks and a star party in honor of ALCon2012. The event is free and open to the public. OneDarkSky’s Robb Walker will be at your service to highlight the celestial wonders of our night sky.
Though the event officially begins at 8:30 pm, I will arrive and set up around 7:00pm for a bit of solar observing before the main event. So, arrive early if you’d like to take a look at our neighborhood star and see how it’s gearing up for its Solar Maximum in 2013. Once the sun sets and the stars come out, we will begin a celestial tour of the night sky to include (but not limited to):

The Moon
Double and Multi-star Systems
Globular Star Clusters

After an intermission for a wonderful fireworks display, we will continue the “Oohs” and “Ahs” as we peruse the jewels of the night sky. If the weather cooperates and the sky is nice and calm, we’ll try peering a little deeper and see if we can check off some of the objects on the ALCon 2012 Observer’s Challenge list. In addition to telescope observing, we will also enjoy wide-field views with our naked eyes as we trace out constellations and asterisms and simply enjoy the majestic views of our greatest natural resource, the Dark Night Sky!