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New Solar System Imaging Award Announced!

The Astronomical League is proud to announce the Horkheimer Solar System Imaging Award. This award recognizes outstanding photographic or CCD imaging of Solar System objects by League members under the age of 19. Judging will be directed by Don Parker, noted planetary imager and President of the Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers, and other judges still to be selected. The announcement of winners will take place on or about July 1, 2000 and the first award will be presented at Astrocon 2000 in Ventura, California, later that month.

The first place award is $1,000 cash, a plaque, and possibly more to be announced later. Entries for this new award must by postmarked no later than June 15, 2000. This date will not be extended. Entries may be in the form of photographic prints, on floppy disk, with the associated information regarding film, exposure time, optics used (type, f-ratio, aperture), guiding method, description of processing method etc. Entries should be submitted to:

Bob Gent
Astronomical League Vice-President
325 Cloudes Mill Drive
Alexandria, VA 22304-3080

This award is made possible by a generous grant from Mr. Jack Horkheimer, the Star Gazer. You can see his informative television show on your local PBS station. Check your local listings or check the Star Gazer website.


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This page is maintained by Matt Ganis for the Astronomical League. Comments, corrections, and suggestions can be addressed to  This page last updated April 21, 2000.
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