Astronomy Day 2015 – Kalamazoo Astronomical Society

The Kalamazoo Astronomical Society will bring astronomy to the people by
hosting a day of exciting and informative activities at the Portage District
Library and Kalamazoo Nature Center. This free event, aimed at the general
public, including families with school age children, is intended to widen
knowledge and appreciation of science, particularly of astronomy.

This year we celebrate 25 years of the venerable Hubble Space Telescope and
the New Horizons spacecraft’s historic encounter with Pluto this July. Our
very special guest will be Dr. Frank Summers, an outreach astrophysicist from
the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Maryland.

The Portage District Library will host our daytime activities from 11am –
4pm. These include solar observing, educational and informative displays,
hands-on activities for children, our Ask the Astronomer booth, and special
showings of the documentaries “Saving Hubble” and “The Year of Pluto.”

Evening activities will be held at the Kalamazoo Nature Center beginning at
7:00 pm. Dr. Frank Summers will deliver the keynote presentation, followed by
a night of observing. Telescopes of all shapes and sizes will be available
for viewing around Owl Observatory, located on the grounds of the Kalamazoo
Nature Center.

The complete schedule and more information can be found on our special
Astronomy Day website:

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