Astronomy Day Evansville


Celebrate Astronomy Day on Saturday, April 25 when a trip to the Evansville Museum in Evansville, Indiana will allow for encounters with cool telescopes and plenty of astronomical activities for all ages. Knowledgeable volunteers will be on hand to help you observe, learn, discover, and explore the wonders of astronomy. Following the daytime events an evening star watch will take place in front of the Museum.

Daytime activities at the museum will take place from 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. A highlight of the day includes a display of meteorites and astronomy exhibit in the Eykamp Pavilion. Food will be available for purchase and hourly shows will be offered in the Koch Immersive Theater. Astronomy Day activities are free. Hourly Koch Immersive Theater presentations will be free to Museum Members and at a special, one day only cosmic price of $3 per person. Astronomy Day is made possible MICHELLE AND PHILIP EYKAMP with the assistance the EVANSVILLE ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY.

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