Indiana Family Star Party

2013 is the 11th year for Indiana's largest star party. Family friendly and planned to reward experienced and inexperienced astronomers alike. Prairie Grass Observatory; 6 building facility with 28" Go-to, 16" LX200, 16" Newtonian, 7" refractor (in 13ft dome), 100 mm Binoculars, air-conditioned lecture hall. On-site food, speakers, free popcorn, coffee, hot chocolate, free donuts, camping, Hayrides, venders, aircraft flyover. Free on-field Wi-Fi. Activities for children. Playground, Disc Golf, H-Alpha solar viewing on 16" scope. Support: Wabash Valley Astronomical Society, Indiana Astronomical Society and Muncie Astronomy Club.

Registration: or call Russ Kaspar at 765 659-3338.

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