International Astronomy Day
Joint the members of the Mic-Hudson Astronomical Association at the Smolen Observatory on the campus of the State University at New Paltz. If you have a scope, it’s B.Y.O.T. – Bring Your Own Telescope (or binoculars), or contact MHAA. Don’t have a scope, don’t worry, just look up. All are invited, all will be excited!
The Global Star Party is the time to come out under the stars, bridge gaps across the seas, and join your brother and sister skywatchers in proving that the world is “One People, One Sky.” When we turn our gaze upward all religious, national, cultural and political barriers fade into the darkness.
From 1-4 PM we will have solar viewing.
Starting 8:30 PM MHAA members will have a variety of telescopes set up, and we will have access to the research grade 14 inch telescope of the Smolen Observatory.
– See more at: