Note: Information about the Regions and individual Astronomical Societies changes often. We are trying hard to keep this informaiton as up-to-date as possible. If you notice any issues, please let us know by submitting a question to the AL (under “Questions? near the top of the AL home page).
States (A thru G) | States (H thru L) | States (M) | States (N thru O) | States (P thru W) |
Alabama | Hawaii | Maine | Nebraska | Pennsylvania |
Alaska | Idaho | Maryland | Nevada | Rhode Island |
Arizona | Illinois | Massachusetts | New Hampshire | South Carolina |
Arkansas | Indiana | Michigan | New Jersey | Tennessee |
California | Iowa | Minnesota | New Mexico | Texas |
Colorado | Kansas | Mississippi | New York | Utah |
Connecticut | Kentucky | Missouri | North Carolina | Vermont |
Delaware | Louisiana | Montana | North Dakota | Virginia |
District of Columbia | Ohio | Washington | ||
Florida | Oklahoma | West Virginia | ||
Georgia | Oregon | Wisconsin | ||
Wyoming |
All astronomy clubs listed alphabetically