Constellation Hunter Program – Northern Sky Observing

Constellation Hunter Program Chair:

Cliff Mygatt
P.O. Box 8607
Port Orchard, WA 98366
(360) 265-5418

Observing List:

The 39 constellations are listed in alphabetical order. Your observing plan should be based on those constellations that are visible on any particular night. You can generate this list using a planeshpere. Information provided on each object is a check box, constellation name, right ascension, and declination. This is a list of all of the constellations that appear north of the ecliptic.

For a printable version of the Checklist, click here


Constellation Hunter Northern Skies Observing Checklist
  Constellation Right Ascension (center) Declination (center)
[  ] Andromeda 01 hr + 40 deg
[  ] Aquarius 23 hrs – 10 deg
[  ] Aquila 20 hrs + 4 deg
[  ] Aries 03 hrs + 20 deg
[  ] Auriga 06 hrs + 39 deg
[  ] Bootes 15 hrs + 40 deg
[  ] Camelopardalis 06 hrs + 69 deg
[  ] Cancer 09 hrs + 20 deg
[  ] Canes Venatici 13 hrs + 40 deg
[  ] Canis Minor 08 hrs + 5 deg
[  ] Cassiopeia 01 hr + 60 deg
[  ] Cepheus 23 hrs + 75 deg
[  ] Coma Berenices 13 hrs + 20 deg
[  ] Corona Borealis 16 hrs + 30 deg
[  ] Cygnus 21 hrs + 40 deg
[  ] Delphinus 21 hrs + 10 deg
[  ] Draco 17 hrs + 60 deg
[  ] Equuleus 21 hrs + 7 deg
[  ] Gemini 07 hrs + 22 deg
[  ] Hercules 17 hrs + 30 deg
[  ] Lacerta 23 hrs + 46 deg
[  ] Leo 11 hrs + 14 deg
[  ] Leo Minor 10 hrs + 34 deg
[  ] Lynx 08 hrs + 46 deg
[  ] Lyra 19 hrs + 35 deg
[  ] Monoceros 07 hrs 0 deg
[  ] Orion 05 hrs + 5 deg
[  ] Pegasus 03 hrs + 45 deg
[  ] Perseus 04 hrs + 46 deg
[  ] Pisces 01 hr + 10 deg
[  ] Sagitta 20 hrs + 20 deg
[  ] Serpens Caput 17 hrs 0 deg
[  ] Serpens Cauda 17 hrs 0 deg
[  ] Sextans 10 hrs 0 deg
[  ] Taurus 05 hrs + 20 deg
[  ] Triangulum 02 hrs + 32 deg
[  ] Ursa Major 11 hrs + 56 deg
[  ] Ursa Minor 15 hrs + 75 deg
[  ] Vulpecula 20 hrs + 25 deg


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