Herschel 400 Program Coordinator: 
The Herschel 400 Program – The Rules.
The Astronomical League offers special recognition in the form of a Herschel 400 Program Certificate for those that have observed all 400 of the listed Herschel objects. To obtain an award you must observe the following rules:
Rule 1:
Observe all the 400 Herschel objects listed and keep a record of your observations. Your notes must show:
a. Date of observation;
b. Time of observation;
c. Seeing conditions;
d. Aperture size of telescope;
e. Power used;
f. A short note describing your observation of the object.
Rule 2:
Have your notebook or record examined by an officer of your Society or a suitably qualified second party if you are not a member of a society and have this party forward a letter to the effect that you have made the necessary number of observations. This letter should be addressed to the Herschel 400 Observing Program Coordinator:
Jack Estes
P O Box 1753
Boerne, TX 78006
Phone: 512-657-9062
Email: jestes1952@gmail.com
Only non-society members need to actually mail their observing log to the Herschel 400 Observing Program Coordinator. A Certificate of Membership in the Herschel 400 Program and award pin will be forwarded to the person identified for presentation. The letter should specify the address to which the Certificate should be mailed. The certificate is suitable for framing.