Membership Through A Member Society
- Any club, society, or organization with a bonafide interest in astronomy may become a member of the Astronomical League (hereinafter referred to the League), no fewer of whom shall belong to the League than constitute the current membership list of said organizations, on the basis of the League’s “membership criteria”, which are as follows: Acceptance of these Bylaws by the proper authority of said organization or in the case of individual memberships, by that individual, approval by the council of the League (hereinafter referred to as the Council), and payment to the League treasurer of the prescribed fees and dues for said category of membership as set by the Council.
- If your club, society, or organization is not part of the Astronomical League, and you would like to initiate the process, please contact the Office Manager of the League office.
- Member Societies shall have these additional privileges:
- The right to have one (1) vote at each national convention and national election and an additional vote for each ten (10) members, or part thereof, in good standing beyond the first ten (10). Voting in the national election shall be as outlined in Article IV.
- The right to be represented in the Regional Council where the membership is located.
- Each member of a member society shall have the right to vote at regional conventions of his/her own region as provided in Article IX.
Membership as a Member-At-Large (MAL)
Member-At-Large USA: $48
Member-At-Large Non-US: $60
- Any person with a bonafide interest in astronomy and a desire to lend financial support to the League may become a member of the League based on the aforementioned “membership criteria.”
- Member-at-Large shall have the same privileges as patron members.
Youth-Member-At-Large: $24
- Any person under the age of 19 years may become a Youth Member-at-Large (Y-MAL). This membership will be similar to at-large membership with a Sponsor appointed by Council.
- Youth Member-At-Large will have the following additional privileges:
- Young astronomers will receive a discount on regular membership rates through the Y-MAL program and discounts on other products as recommended by the Youth Activities Committee (YAC) and approved by Council.. 2. Young Astronomers shall have full voting privileges.
If you are interested in joining the League as a Member-At-Large, please contact the Office Manager of the League office through email at: or use you may join in the League Store (click here):
Other Membership Classifications
Lifetime Member: $500
- Any person with a bonafide interest in astronomy and a desire to lend financial support to the League.
- Lifetime Members shall have the following additional privileges:
- This class of membership may be granted in addition to any other League membership and shall not affect said other membership privileges.
- One (1) vote per Lifetime membership in national affairs.
- The right to vote at regional conventions as provided in Article IX.
Patron Member: $75
- Any individual with a bonafide interest in astronomy and a desire to lend financial support to the League may become a member of the League based on the aforementioned “membership criteria.”
- Patron Members shall have the following additional privileges:
- This class of membership may be granted in addition to any other League membership and shall not affect said other membership privileges.
- One (1) vote per Patron membership in national affairs.
- The right to vote at regional conventions as provided in Article IX.
Affiliate Member: $75
- Any national or international company, corporation, manufacturer, society, or other organization with a bona fide interest in astronomy and a desire to lend financial support to the League may become an Affiliate Member of the League.
- Affiliate Member shall have these specific privileges:
- This class of membership may be granted in addition to any other League membership and shall not affect said other membership privileges. The chief executive officers of Affiliate Members or their designates shall have access to Council.
If you are interested in one of these additional classifications of membership, please contact the Office Manager of the League office or you may join in the League Store (click here).
(Affiliate Membership class requires contacting the National Office Manager directly.)