Great Lakes Region

Regional Information

The Great Lakes Region is a region rich in history of astronomy clubs and societies throughout much of the 20th century, continuing to today, a region which has had a long pedigree of famed amateur astronomers who made significant contributions. The Region today has 27 member societies and clubs, some large, some mid-sized, some small…each participates in public outreach, and each has a mix of experienced observers, astrophotographers, telescope makers, and spokespersons, as well as beginners, young and old. There are four Kentucky clubs and societies, six in Indiana, seven in Michigan, and ten in Ohio, made of hundreds of enthused amateur astronomers. All of these clubs and societies are very active, and most hold annual and seasonal events and hold outreach programs for schools and youth groups.

The Great Lakes Region was the first region organized in the Astronomical League, and its traditions continue to foster and promote amateur astronomy. These clubs and societies promote a sense of group interaction, a place to learn and grow and explore and enhance observing and imaging skills. The Astronomical League is eternally grateful to the many who offer untold hours of volunteer effort and contribute notable leadership and guidance skills to manage club and society events and activities.

In other words, a place to have fun and share a common interest and thrive.

The Great Lakes Region holds its annual convention, GreatCon, hosted by the Indiana Family Star Party at Prairie Grass Observatory, usually in late July or early August of each year. At this event, a meeting is held, information is conveyed, awards are presented, and an AstroQuiz is conducted by the Regional Chair.

A key goal is to recognize members for accomplishments. The Great Lakes Region has two major awards: The Great Lakes Region Award, for notable contributions to amateur astronomy by a Region member, and The Hans Bauldauf Award, for significant contributions to the club, society, to the Region, or to the community, relating to astronomy.

Also, both Region and League awards are available specifically for youth. If you know an Astronomical League member, 18 years or younger, who has brought amateur astronomy to your club or to the public through outreach, presentations, writing, or observing, please consider nominating that person for a Regional Award, or, the three League Horkheimer Service Awards. For adult members, there are League awards which we encourage nominations.

We urge club officers to nominate these amateur astronomers. If you don’t, no one else will! (Complete information about Horkheimer Youth Service awards can be found at

In addition, the Region wants to encourage and support those who choose to not be a member of a club or society, or who may not have access to one through the Member-At-Large (MAL) program.

For more information, contact clubs, societies, Regional Officers, or the National Office directly.

Link to our web site:


  • Terry Mann Chair
  • Ron Whitehead Vice Chair
  • Chuck Allen Treasurer
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