The 2008 Astronomical League Webmaster Awards


The winners for 2008 are:

Del Gordon 2008 Webmaster Award1st place and winner of the 2008 Astronomical League Webmaster Award – Del Gordon of the Huachuca Astronomy Club. Website:












Chas Rimpo 2008 Webmaster Award 2nd Place2nd place – Chas Rimpo of the Howard Astronomical League. Website:









Richard Richins 2008 Webmaster Award 3rd Place3rd place – Richard Richins of the Astronomical Society of Las Cruces. Website:

 I want to thank the club Presidents that submitted their Webmasters for the 2008 Astronomical League Webmaster Award. I personally viewed all of the web sites and you can all be proud. We had ten entries and the top four had only one point separating each one.

I want to thank the three judges that took time from their own busy schedules to look at and judge each web site. Drew Carhart – 2006 Webmaster Award winner. Stuart Goldman – Associate Editor for Sky & Telescope. Matt Ganis – Senior Technical Staff Member IBM I encourage all club Presidents to submit their Webmasters for the 2009 Astronomical League Webmaster Award. However, remember that your webpage must have reference to your participation in the Astronomical League. Nominations will be accepted between January 1 and April 30, 2009. Send all nominations to bobschneider–at–clearwire–dot–net.

Bob Schneider Administrator, Astronomical League Webmaster Award

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