Two In The View Observing Program

Two in the View Observing Program Coordinator:

Bob Scott
20663 English Rd.
Mount Vernon WA, 98274

Two in the View Observing Program Logo


Welcome to the Astronomical League’s Two in the View Observing Program! Many times we look for specific objects and overlook items that are very close by. Case in point: M13 – Have you looked at NGC 6207?   Have you seen it in the eyepiece at the same time as M13? We tend to look at some items as a set, such as the Double Cluster, Andromeda Galaxies, or M81/M82.  This club is a continuation of that theme.  However, to differentiate this from something like the Arp Galaxy Observing Program, many Deep sky objects types are included; Galaxies, OC, Double stars, Nebulae and Globular Clusters.  You should take the time to understand if the objects are interacting with one another or is it just happenstance the two are in the same field of view.  You should try to enjoy the beauty of multiple objects in the eyepiece as well as ponder how far away each object is from us.

The list was built using as many of the Northern Constellations as possible and still keep it where it can be completed with a 10” or larger telescope.

During this project you will have to balance magnification to see some of the dimmer items with field of view to get multiples.  It is a delicate balance but critical to viewing these objects.  You will also be observing some galaxies on the list that are interacting and should make note of that in your logs.

Requirements and Rules

This certification is available to members of the Astronomical League, either through their local astronomical society or as members at large.  If you are not a member and would like to become one, check with your local astronomical society, search for a local society on the Astronomical League Website (click here), or join as a Member-at-Large (click here).

To obtain your Two in the View Observing Program certificate and pin:

  1. Locate, identify and observe two or more items in the eyepiece at the same time.  Many items on the list have more than two objects, try to see as many as possible, a minimum of two is required and identify those which you observed.
  2. Observe at least 100 groupings on the list – out of the 114. Some items on the list are a challenge, so if you can’t see them, there are others to choose from. Items 109 to 114 allow you to do your own favorite items.  However you may only do a maximum number of 15 “make up your own” objects.
  3. Record your observations for each item on log sheets that include:
    • >Date and Time (local or UT)
    • Object observed
    • Observer’s Latitude and Longitude<
    • Seeing and Transparency
    • Brief listing of items seen in each observation
    • Simple sketch showing relative sizes and positions
    • Size of instrument
    • Eyepiece size
    • Magnification
    • Note in your logs if you used a “Go-To” telescope or used imaging

Go-To or Imaging completions of this Observing Program will be noted on your certificate.  For those doing this with imaging please include the type of camera used in your log. 

Submitting for Certification

To receive your certification either:

    • Have an officer of your local society review and approve your logs and email or mail a request for your award to the Two in the View Observing Observing Program Coordinator.
    • or email or mail copies of your logs to the Two in the View Observing Program< Coordinator for verification.

Note: – Photographic observations will need the image files submitted as well as the logs.  This may be done by sending a CD or flash Drive, or by posting them on a site on the internet.

Include in your verification request your name as you would like it on the certificate, mailing address, email address, phone number, and your society affiliation.  If you would like the certificate sent to your local club for presentation, indicate where and to whom it should be sent.

Two in the View Observing Program Coordinator:

Bob Scott
20663 English Rd.
Mount Vernon WA, 9827

Upon verification of your submission and of your active membership in the Astronomical League, your recognition (certificate, pin, etc.) will be sent to you or to the awards coordinator for your society, as you specified.  Your name will also appear in an upcoming issue of the Reflector magazine and in the Astronomical League’s online database.  Congratulations.  Good luck with your next observing challenge.


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