The Astronomical League is powered by a team of dedicated volunteers. Those opportunities cover short-term commitments to long-term commitments and one-time activities to ongoing activities.
- Astronomical League Officers. If you want to be involved with the AL, perhaps you are right for the role of one of the League officers (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Executive Secretary). These are elected offices. Opportunities are announced in the Reflector, the AL website Home Page blog, and various social media postings.
- Regional Officers. The Astronomical League is comprised of 10 Regions. Each region has officers (Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and a Regional Representative). These officers conduct the business and activities within their Region. These officers are selected at regional meetings.
- Observing Program Coordinators. The league has almost 70 Observing Programs. Each one has a Coordinator. From time to time there is a need for a Coordinator to manage one of these Programs. If you have been pursuing one or more of the Observing Programs, perhaps you would like to Coordinate one. Opportunities are announced in the Reflector, the AL website Home Page blog, and various social media postings.
- Web Team. People are always needed to help with the maintenance of the astronomical League’s website. We are continually enhancing and maintaining the over 400 web pages. If you have skills that would be useful in helping to maintain the website, perhaps this is a role for you. Opportunities are announced in the Reflector, the AL website Home Page blog, and various social media postings.
- Serving on Committees. There are a number of committees that the Astronomical League uses to help accomplish specific tasks and meet specific needs. Opportunities are announced in the Reflector, the AL website Home Page blog, and various social media postings.
- Hosting Regional and National Conventions. Each year the Astronomical League has a National Convention (AL-Con). They are held in different location each year to provide easy access to as many members as possible. Member societies of the AL host there events in conjunction with the AL. Perhaps your society would be interested in hosting an event. Many of the Regions also hold conferences or major annual Star Parties. These are great opportunities to get involved.
- Assisting at AL-Cons (conventions). Conventions are a big deal They require a great amount of planning and many volunteers. Often these volunteers come from the hosting societies, but help is always welcome. If you are interested in helping at a convention, contact the coordinators and volunteer.
- Submitting Articles to the Reflector. The Reflector is the Astronomical League’s quarterly publication. In addition to information useful to the members, there are also informative articles on a myriad of topics. Each of us are an expert at something, or have knowledge to share with the rest of the membership. Why not share yours? Contact the Reflector Editor to get more information and to submit an article.
- Entering Astronomical League Competitions. The Astronomical League also offers many opportunities to participate in competitions. Many of these can be found on the Awards pages. They are available for youth as well as adults. Opportunities are announced in the Reflector, the AL website Home Page blog, and various social media postings.
- And a myriad of other opportunities await. Help is always needed and appreciated. Opportunities are announced in the Reflector, the AL website Home Page blog, and various social media postings.