Roster database administrator tutorial

The roster administrator interface is very similar to the “Member society roster tutorial”. However it does have a few extra selections. Please read the “Member society roster tutorial”  first.

For all “Society information” forms you have an additional pull down that lets you change the member society. The member society pull down is arranged alphabetically by state and then by the name of the local society. Be sure to check and change this if needed before you do anything!

On the “Admin Tasks” tab panel you have five additional selections:

  1. Allow Society Officers to update roster:  If a local society officer has requested an account, this will approve their account and permit them to make changes in the roster for their society.
  2. Update society’s paid members:  This lets you update how many paid AL members the local society has and the quarter(s) for which they have paid their membership.
  3. Hide society’s information:  This will remove the member society’s information from public display if they fail to pay their dues. It does not remove any information.
  4. Display society’s information publicly: This makes the member society’s information publicly visible if it has been previously hidden.
  5. Remove all society information, members, and files: Permanently removes all information, member data, and other files regarding a member society from the website.
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