Celestial Savings Program—Your Discount Purchasing Program
The Astronomical League is excited to announce its new Celestial Savings Program where all League members qualify for special discounts at participating vendors when purchasing equipment, accessories, or books. Please note that discount amounts may vary by vendor and by items purchased.
Click on “Celestial Savings” menu tab at the top of this page to obtain the celestial savings code or password. You will then see a listing of the participating vendors, the discounts they offer for their products, their current discount code numbers, their website URLs, and, if appropriate, telephone numbers. Simply provide the appropriate discount code number to the vendor’s salesperson or include it in your website order.
We encourage you to share the existence of the Celestial Savings Program with your astronomy friends, AL members or not. However, please do not share discount codes with anyone.
You’re not an AL member? Contact an AL member astronomy club in your area and join through them. You’ll find AL dues to be very reasonable, and many local clubs pay them for you. The Astronomical League also has a member-at-large program detailed at https://www.astroleague.org//al/ general/memblarg.html. For additional AL membership details and benefits, visit www.astroleague.org and click the “Join” tab.
Questions? Write to the Celestial Savings director at celestialsavings@astroleague.org.