December 2024

Observing Program Division Announcement – Hubble 35th Year Anniversary Downloadable Participation Certificate

The Observing Challenge is in full swing on January 1 through December 31, 2025.  If you are doing outreach activities to spread the word about the Hubble Telescope, its fantastic ccomplishments or the Observing Challenge, and you would like to pass out Participation Certificates to your attendees, then we are please to announce that the participant certificate is now available.  It may be downloaded from the Astronomical League’s Downloadable Certificates web page:  Remember to start your personal observing towards the challenge in January and do your observations each month to go for the gold…

Observing Program Announcement – Observing Program Coordinators Needed

Each January (usually) the League searches for people who are interested in helping out as Observing Program Coordinators.  If you would like to apply, please send an email to Aaron Clevenson at  This list of openings may change, but as of now we know we need these positions filled:  Space Weather Observing Program, Caldwell Observing Program, Flat Galaxies, and others.  Please send me an email even if you have already done so, to ensure that we do not miss you.  Thanks.

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