Observing Program Division Announcements – New Observing Programs
AL-Con 2024 was an exciting event from the perspective of the Observing Program Disivion, and for all of you observers out there. In fact, there is too much for one announcement, so watch for another one shortly.
- The Astronomy before the Telescope Observing Certificate is now the Astronomy Before the Telescope Observing Program. This means that although the requirements have not changed, in addition to the certificate, we also have pins. For more information on this, check out the Program’s web page: https://www.astroleague.org/astronomy-before-the-telescope-observing-certificate/
- A new AL Observing Challenge: Solar Max Observing Challenge. Telescope and Binoculars – not required. AL Membership – not required. Observations may be done between now and March 31,2025. We are at Solar Maximum, so this is a great opportunity. For more information, chec out the Program’s web page: https://www.astroleague.org/al-observing-challenge-special-observing-award/. These observations may also be used for an upcoming new Space Weather Observing Program.
- Aaron Clevenson is the new Coordinator for the Caldwell Observing Program and the Imaging – Caldwell Observing Program. Thanks to Sue Rose for her many years of dedicated service as Coordinator. The web page is: https://www.astroleague.org/caldwell-observing-program-introduction/.