Astronomical League Bylaws and Standing Resolutions

Article VI. National Conventions

Section 1.

Each year a national convention shall be held at a time and place designated by the votes of delegates attending the national convention(s) of the prior year(s), or by the Council during times when in session, or the majority vote of the Executive Committee.

Section 2.

The national convention shall be hosted and conducted by one or more League committees or groups, such as member societies. The host group will include, or the President will appoint, several individuals with experience in the affairs of national conventions to advise and assist in the organization and planning of the convention. The League may share profits from the convention with a host society or groups in a proportion approved by the Council, but not less than fifteen (15) percent. Losses will be shared on the same basis.

Section 3.

The registration fees for the national conventions may be tentatively set by the host society and shall be approved each year by the Council or the Executive Committee. The registration fee will be distributed as outlined in Standing Resolution 2 (Convention Agreement), Item 6.

Section 4.

Provision will be made at the national convention for the Council and Business Meeting of the League, outlined in Article VIII and Standing Resolution 2, Item 1.

Section 5.

The Executive Committee may approve the participation in the Convention of other organizations.

Section 6.

The Council will serve as the final authority in resolving questions concerning League policies with respect to national conventions.

Further Reading...


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