Astronomical League Bylaws and Standing Resolutions

Standing Resolution #2: Astronomical League Convention Agreement

  1. Enacted 8/17/1976, at Kutztown Pa.; Amended 8/17/1976, at Portland Or; 7/30/1983, at Jacksonville, Fl.; 7/25/1989, at Spokane, Wa.; 7/14/1992, at San Jose, Ca.; 7/28/1993, at Madison, Wi; and 7/1/97, at Copper Mountain, Co.; 7/13/1999, at Cheney, Wa.; 7/18/2000, at Ventura, Ca.

    1. The host society(ies) or group(s), hereinafter referred to as the host(s) shall provide the following:
      1. Adequate and suitable space for meetings of at least 250 persons.
      2. Adequate and suitable space for Council meetings attended by up to forty (40) persons. Provision that the meeting may begin as early as the day prior to the convention, and may last until midnight.
      3. A large, suitable space for exhibits that can be secured when not manned and whose contents shall be under the League's control.
      4. Necessary and adequate audiovisual and public address equipment, to be operated by the host(s).
      5. A registration/information desk, to operated throughout the convention by the host(s).
      6. Adequate and suitable housing for attendees. The less costly alternative of a school, college, or university is preferred over motels and/or hotels.
      7. Adequate room for Astronomical League committees, member societies and other organizations co-sponsoring joint conventions which may have commercial exhibits or conduct associated activity. No fees will be charged.

    2. No contract or agreement will be signed by the host(s) that will bind the Astronomical League for money without the written approval of the Astronomical League Executive Committee.

    3. The Astronomical League will, if necessary, advance funds, not to exceed three thousand ($3,000.00) dollars to the host(s) for initial actions for the convention. Such advance will be contingent on approval by the Executive Committee and availability of funds in the League Treasury.

    4. The host(s) will provide publicity for the convention in League publications and major amateur astronomy periodicals.

    5. Each convention committee shall produce a convention summary. The summary shall consist of a copy of the convention program and a two page, or less, description of the conventin results. This summary shall be submitted to the Astronomical League Secretary and to the Historian within 60 days after the close of the convention.

    6. Registration fees will be determined by the host(s) society with the approval of the Executive Committee. One ($1.00) dollar portion of the registration fee will go toward the League Trust Fund.

    7. The net profits of the convention shall be distributed as follows: forty (40) percent to the host society; twenty (20) percent to the host region; forty (40) percent to the national treasury (1983).

      In the event of a joint convention sponsored by another organization and the League, a different distribution of net profits may be negotiated, with the approval of the Astronomical League Executive Committee.

      Any losses incurred by the convention shall be shared in the same proportion.

    8. A detailed statement of the convention's receipts and expenses will be provided to the Astronomical League Treasurer within thirty (30) days of the close of the convention.

    9. Provision will be made for the Council and Business Meeting of the League. Timing and placement of the meeting shall be stipulated by the officers of the Astronomical League.

    10. The monetary affairs of the convention shall be handled by a separate bank or checking account than is normally used by the host society.

    11. Participation in the convention by other organizations must be approved by the Executive Committee of the League.

    12. <Item deleted>.

    13. There shall be, as mandated by Article Vl, Section 2 of the League's Bylaws, a standing committee chaired by the Vice President or other Presidential appointee, to advise and monitor the operation and planning of the convention.

    14. Initial invitations, negotiations, and site approval for the convention more than one year in advance are encouraged.

    15. The host(s) shall obtain liability insurance of at least one-million dollars ($1,000,000) for the convention and shall add the Astronomical League as a named insured on such policy.

    16. The host(s) agree not to arrange or provide transportation during the convention except for transportation secured by written agreement with a licensed and insured commercial or public transportation provider. In the event such a provider is used, the Astronomical League shall be added as a named insured on the provider's liability insurance policy.

    17. The agreement must be signed and dated as follows:

      _____________________ ________________________
      Convention Chair President, Astronomical League
      _____________________ ________________________
      Host(s) President(s) or Chair Additional Witness

Further Reading...


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