Astronomical League Bylaws and Standing Resolutions

Standing Resolution #4: Financial Management

  1. Enacted 8/9/1977, at Boulder, Co.; Revised 8/15/1979, at Portland, Or.; 7/2/1980, at Dallas, Tx., and 7/14/1992 at, San Jose, Ca.

    1. Audit - The President shall appoint an annual committee which shall be empowered to audit all of the accounts of the Astronomical League, including the general treasury, the service organizations, Trust Fund and Regions. It shall issue a report to Council at the annual convention covering the general treasury, and covering all other accounts at least each three (3) years or, by petition by the number of members required to initiate a Bylaws change.

    2. Service Organizations - In order to provide services to League members, the following Service Organizations are authorized:
      • The Book Service
      • The Sales Service
      • The Subscription Service
      • The Educational Materials Committee
      • The Program Materials Committee
      • The Publications Committee

      Each Service Organization is authorized to set up its own bank account for the transaction of business. The numbers and locations of such accounts will be on file with the Treasurer, who will be authorized to withdraw funds from or close any such account.

      Each Service Organization and Committee shall submit an annual report of its financial transactions to the League Treasurer in addition to other reports, if requested.

      The summary of the annual report of each Service Organization or Committee shall be included in the Treasurer's annual financial report.

    3. Investment Income - It shall be the policy of the Astronomical League to maintain the minimum amount of money required for the efficient transactions of business in non-interest bearing accounts.

    4. Regions - Each Region shall submit an annual financial report to the League Treasurer by June 30, the end of the League's fiscal year. The report shall include balances at the beginning and end of the period, income and expenditures. This report shall be included in the Treasurer's annual financial report.

    5. Budget - Expenditures from each line item in the budget shall be approved by the appropriate officer or committee chair before being paid by the treasurer.

      Authority to exceed the budgeted line item must be secured from the President before expenditures are authorized or made.

      Authority to exceed the authorized budget must be secured from Council, but may be done by mail.

      It is the usual practice to pay for all out-of-pocket expenses approved by an officer or committee chair under the budget upon submission of receipts, but in the case of major approved expenditures or extenuating circumstances, the bill may be submitted directly to the Treasurer for payment or expense advances, not to exceed one hundred ($100.00) dollars, may be made. Full accounting of all advances is required.

Further Reading...


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