Astronomical League Bylaws and Standing Resolutions

Standing Resolution #5: The Astronomical League Award

  1. This award shall not be presented to any current officer of the League (until they are out of office for one year) or to any current member of the award committee.

  2. The award committee shall consist of the current president, the immediate past president and the second past president, all of whom must vote on the award. The selection of the award recipient must be unanimous.

  3. Nomination must be made in writing to the Executive Secretary and contain the affiliation with the League (not necessary to receive the award), and the reasons the person should be considered for the award. It must be received at least four (4) months before the national convention. Announcement shall be made annually.

  4. The award need not be given each year. It may be given to more than one person or more than one award may be given in a year. The award may be posthumous.

  5. The award shall be presented at the banquet held at the national convention, or if none is held, at the largest gathering of League members at the convention. This decision shall be made by the President.

  6. The receipt of nomination shall be acknowledged by the Executive Secretary. Nominations which are deemed to be qualified need not be acted upon in the year in which they are received but may held for future consideration. No reasons will be furnished for not making the award to any person nor will the proceedings of the presidents' committee be made public.

  7. The committee may nominate additional names.

  8. Award committees shall report award winners, and the justification for their awards to the Reflector Editor, League Webmaster, and League Publicity Chair within 30 days of the presentation of the award.

Further Reading...


Next Standing Resolution (S.R. 6 - Long Range Planning Committee).

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