Astronomical League Bylaws and Standing Resolutions

Standing Resolution #7: Commercial Use of the Astronomical League Mailing List

Enacted 8/15/1979, at Portland, Or.; Amended 8/12/1981, at Kutztown, Pa.; and 7/28/1993, at Madison, Wi.

In order to keep dues to a minimum and to permit fund raising activities, Council recognizes the need to permit approved commercial use of the individual member mailing list as long as the frequency of such use does not become bothersome to the members.

  1. Any member shall have the right to not have his/her name used for such purpose, if he/she objects. Any member so objecting must notify the Society ALCor who will in turn notify the Executive Secretary. Non-society members will notify the Executive Secretary directly.

  2. Control over the list will be maintained by the League or its agent through its own mailing house or, by contract, with a reputable mailing list manager.

  3. Each use of the list as well as approval of the material to be mailed must be authorized by the Executive Committee or its designate.

  4. The fee for use of the list, or a portion thereof, will be at the rate of at least four ($0.04) cents per name for each mailing plus reimbursement of all expenses incurred.

  5. No more than twelve (12) mailings shall occur in any fiscal year.

Further Reading...


Next Standing Resolution (S.R. 8 - Guidelines for Dealing With Product Complaints).

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