Astronomical League Bylaws and Standing Resolutions

Standing Resolution #10: Commercial Exhibitors at Conventions


Enacted 7/2/1980, at Dallas, Tx.; Amended 1983, at Jacksonville, Fl.; 7/14/1992, at San Jose, Ca.

Many astronomy suppliers and commercial firms support the development of the science through their Supporting Memberships in the League. In order to encourage additional support and recognize the efforts of these commercial members:

  1. Current Supporting Members are permitted by the Bylaws to exhibit products and services at all Astronomical League conventions.

  2. Recognized dealers for these Commercial Members may represent them at all League conventions and may display and/or sell the products of our Commercial Members.

  3. All exhibits and associated commercial activity will be regulated by the convention committee or League Executive Committee.

  4. Door prizes or awards may be made by commercial firms, subject to acceptance by the convention committee or League Executive Committee.

  5. Supporting members will not be charged an exhibit fee. All others will be charged a fee. Both may be required to pay a share of expenses incurred by the convention committee to provide exhibit space as agreed upon in advance.

  6. Astronomical League committees, member societies and other organizations co-sponsoring joint conventions may have commercial exhibits or conduct associated activity. No fees will be charged.

  7. "Swap shops", authorized and regulated by the convention committee, may be conducted. Attendance is limited to official exhibitors, Astronomical League members and convention attendees acting in a non-commercial capacity.

Further Reading...


Next Standing Resolution (S.R. 11 - The Leslie C. Peltier Award).

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