Astronomical League Bylaws and Standing Resolutions

Standing Resolution #15: The Mabel Sterns Award


Enacted 7/21/1998, at French Lick, In.; Amended 7/13/1999, at Cheney, Wa.

  1. The League shall present an annual Mabel Sterns Award for outstanding editing of a League-society newsletter. Newsletters from League-member institutions, such as planetariums, museums and event boards, are not eligible.

  2. The Award shall be chaired by the League Vice-President who shall (a) solicit award nominations and (b) recruit, from among jounalism professionals and League members, a panel of judges to evaluate nominees.

  3. The Award Chair shall, in the February Reflector each year, identify a particular monthly or quarterly issue from the prior calendar year which will be eligible for consideration for the award.

  4. The Award shall consist of a plaque to be presented at the banquet of the annual convention or, or if no banquet is held, at the largest gathering of League members at the convention.

  5. Award committees shall report award winners, and the justification for their awards to the Reflector Editor, League Webmaster, and League Publicity Chair within 30 days of the presentation of the award.

Further Reading...


Next Standing Resolution (S.R. 16 - The National Young Astronomer Award).

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