Astronomical League Bylaws and Standing Resolutions

Standing Resolution #3: Guidelines for Regional Assistance

Enacted 8/9/1977, at Boulder, Co.; Revised 8/4/1990, at St. Louis, Mo.; and 8/16/1991, at Amherst, Ma.

  1. Whereas a modest, regular source of income is necessary to enable Regions to develop and conduct programs on behalf of the League, and:

    Whereas, active Regions can, and do, affect membership growth, provide personal help to members and individuals, and foster communication across and between the various structural levels of the League, therefore:

    There will be a line item in the League's annual budget for regional financial assistance.

  2. Regions must submit their requests to the Treasurer.

  3. Each Region submitting a request shall:
    1. Include a financial report, stating at least income, expenditures, and cash balance, for the preceding fiscal year.
    2. Include a proposed program(s) and budget.
    3. Agree to provide at least twenty five (25%) percent of the proposed expenditure.

  4. Requests will be reviewed by a Presidentially-appointed screening committee including the League Treasurer. The committee will recommend to the Council action on each request submitted.

Further Reading...


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