Astronomical League Bylaws and Standing Resolutions

Standing Resolution #11: The Leslie C. Peltier Award


Enacted 7/2/1980 at Dallas, Tx.; Amended 7/13/1999, at Cheney, Wa.

The League shall present an annual Leslie C. Peltier Award to an amateur astronomer who contributed to astronomy observations of lasting significance.

  1. A three (3) person Peltier Award Committee shall be established, which shall execute the nomination and selection process, and shall be responsible for the design and sponsorship of the representative plaque.

  2. Nominations shall be sent to the committee chair, who will forward the name(s) to the committee members for their selection by simple majority vote. The committee chair shall maintain a permanent list of nominees not selected, for consideration in future years.

  3. Dates for the implementation of this process shall be set by the committee. The award shall be presented at the banquet of the annual convention or, if none is held, at the largest gathering of League members at the convention.

  4. Award committees shall report award winners, and the justification for their awards to the Reflector Editor, League Webmaster, and League Publicity Chair within 30 days of the presentation of the award.

Further Reading...


Next Standing Resolution (S.R. 12 - The G. R. "Bob" Wright League Service Award).

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