Astronomical League Bylaws and Standing Resolutions

Standing Resolution #6: Long Range Planning Committee

Rewritten and accepted 8/6/1991, at Amherst, Ma.

Recognizing that the Astronomical League has limited resources and expertise, and that the League cannot address effectively all issues facing amateur astronomy, a standing committee is established as follows:

  1. The committee name is the Long Range Planning Committee.

  2. The committee members are:
    • the five officers of the League;
    • the five trustees of the Astronomical League Trust Fund;
    • the immediate past President of the League;
    • additional members appointed by the President, so long as the total membership does not exceed 15.

  3. The President will chair the committee.

  4. The committee will continually review the Mission Statement and identified critical issues of the League for relevance to amateur astronomy and to the League as a federation of societies. When necessary, the committee will recommend to Council changes to either the Mission Statement or to the issues which are critical to the success of that mission.

  5. The committee will report annually to Council with any recommendations for addressing the issues identified as critical.

Further Reading...


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